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Showing posts from February, 2014

6 Ways to Love on.....Everyone. And a rebuttal.

I don't normally post religious things.  I find my own personal take on religion to be.....quirky at time.  However, I recently saw an article floating around the web that was written by what I assume is a 20 something single lady.  It was how she felt single women need to be loved on by married persons in a church congregation.  You can read it here . I found parts of the article to be sound theory and spot on, while other parts were, shall we say misguided.  By the end of the article, I was also thinking, why are there so many separate "groups" in a church and how we all need to be loved on, not just one group.  So here is my humble rebuttal (based on my life and experiences) and also a simple blue print on how you can love on anyone in your church congregation....or anyone in the world. In response to “Six ways to Love Single Women:"               1.   Words are hurtful.  People should choose th...

Frugal Friday - Winter Fun- 20 Activities

We've had a lot of  "snow"days since Christmas.  A. LOT.  Snow days are one thing when there is actually snow on the ground and the kids want to go out and play. But it's something completely different when it's just cold.  Possibly raining.  And the kids are bored and stir crazy. Plus you still have weekends/holidays/afternoons to keep your kids buys inside as well. And you have little or no money. What to do. What to do. Here are 20 things we have done/plan to do this winter: 1. Have an indoor picnic. Simply eating on the floor can completely change a meal. 2. Build a tent/fort indoors. 3. Go to your mall's indoor play area 4. Go to story time at the library 5. Introduce your kids to the cartoons you watched growing up via Youtube. My kids love "Bobby's World"and "Muppet Babies" 6. Do something touristy in your own town.  Tour a museum or historic building. Many of these are free/low cost. Sometimes eve...

Chicken Nachos

Cooking is not one of my favorite things.  I would really rather not.  If I didn't have kids to feed, I probably wouldn't cook at all. However, I do like being creative.  If I am going to be in the kitchen, I would much rather be throwing random ingredients together than following a recipe. Sometimes my new recipes are hits.  Sometimes they are epic fails.  Last night I got lucky! Here is the recipe for my Chicken Nachos (feeds 4): Ingredients: 2 Chicken breast, 16oz Chunky Salsa, Mexican Blend Cheese, Paprika, Chili Powder, Salt, Pepper 1.) Pre Heat over to 400 degrees 2.) Season chicken with salt, pepper, paprika and chili powder 3.)Bake chicken uncovered in glass casserole dish for 25 minutes 4.) Shred chicken and place in bowl 5.) Pour Salsa and 1/2 bag of cheese over chicken. Mix Well 6.)Pour chicken/salsa/cheese mixture into casserole dish. Spread evenly 7.) Top with rest of the cheese 8.)Bake for another 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Serve...