I don't normally post religious things. I find my own personal take on religion to be.....quirky at time. However, I recently saw an article floating around the web that was written by what I assume is a 20 something single lady. It was how she felt single women need to be loved on by married persons in a church congregation. You can read it here . I found parts of the article to be sound theory and spot on, while other parts were, shall we say misguided. By the end of the article, I was also thinking, why are there so many separate "groups" in a church and how we all need to be loved on, not just one group. So here is my humble rebuttal (based on my life and experiences) and also a simple blue print on how you can love on anyone in your church congregation....or anyone in the world. In response to “Six ways to Love Single Women:" 1. Words are hurtful. People should choose th...
Life is a journey. I want to make mine better and help others along the way. Lets have an adventure.