When I go so long with out writing, it's hard to know exactly what to write about. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to post as often as I'd like. But for now, that is just not possible.
On the plus side, some things are finally starting to come together for us.
Jeremy bought a motorcylce, and the whole family is looking forward to some rides. I think it will be a great family leisure activity (even though we can't all be on at once)and will also give me and Jeremy something to do just as a couple every now and then as well. Trust me, that is some well needed and wanted time.
Even with the purchase of the motorcycle, money just doesn't seem as tight here lately. I think we finally have a manageable budget.
Baseball is back in full swing for Zachary, and he really seems to love his coach and team this year. They played 5 games in 24 hours this past weekend and won every single one of them. Not just won, they blew the other teams away. Zachary got several good hits and scored a couple of runs. He also made some good plays and helped get two runners out!
We actually had Zachary all of last week for spring break, and really had an awesome time. Life was wonderfully good! =)
Shiloh turned three last month, and it's almost like a little maturity clicked in her over night. She thinks she is so big. She really understands counting now, and is starting to learn some of her letters, and recognize her name. But beware, you never know what will come out of her mouth. She went around calling everyone a donkey a couple of days ago!
I am still couponing, and am preparing my next post on my project now! We've also gotten a freezer, so I am REALLY trying to stock up now. I, ofcourse, am still always looking for good deals, or ways to cut expenses, or even make money. This has become my new hobby. Good thing it's good for my family too, I put a lot of time into it!
On the plus side, some things are finally starting to come together for us.

Even with the purchase of the motorcycle, money just doesn't seem as tight here lately. I think we finally have a manageable budget.

We actually had Zachary all of last week for spring break, and really had an awesome time. Life was wonderfully good! =)

I am still couponing, and am preparing my next post on my project now! We've also gotten a freezer, so I am REALLY trying to stock up now. I, ofcourse, am still always looking for good deals, or ways to cut expenses, or even make money. This has become my new hobby. Good thing it's good for my family too, I put a lot of time into it!
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