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Showing posts from 2014

Disney World, What You REALLY Need to Know.

After a full year of saving and a lot of research and budgeting (and a tremendous amount of help from my parents) we did it.  We took the kids to Disney World.  I went to Disney World several times as a child, but neither of my kids nor my husband has ever been.  It had also been 18 years since I myself had been.  A LOT has changed. After doing tons of research, Pinning everything Disney related, talking to my Disney expert friends and budgeting EVERYTHING, I was in information overload.  Not all advice was practical for our situation (we avoided character dining due to our budget) and admittedly I blew off advice (read: ponchos) because I thought I knew better.  There were also some things that I wish someone had told me (Breakfast in the Magic Kingdom? Good Luck!) So below is what I learned and what I would want to know before visiting Disney World: BUDGET HELPERS: All Disney souvenirs can be bought off Disney property and online, usu...

61 Cheap things to do this Summer in Middle Tennessee

With Memorial Day just around the corner, I started wondering what me and the kids were going to do this summer.  Since I changed jobs in February, this will be the first summer that I am off work the majority of the time with the kids, they will not be in day camps or day care.  I also took a considerable pay cut, so our budget is limited. Then I looked on Facebook and found that I wasn't the only one looking for CHEAP things to do this summer.  It is great if you can afford to hit the zoo, science center, Holiday World, Cheekwood and Nashville shores all this summer, but I can't. So here is my list of 61 (1 thing every day for June and July) to do in Middle Tennessee (or for most, anywhere) this summer for an average of $5 or less per person: At Home: 1.   Start a water balloon fight. 2.   Organize a scavenger hunt. 3.   Put the  Pinterest Board  to use, have a craft day. 4.   Have a picnic in the back yard. 5.   Spend the d...

Frugal Friday: Tips for Saving Money

At least once a year, we re-evaluate our spending and see where we can save money.  Think of it as spring cleaning for your finances. Here are some things to look at/think about: Cell Phone Bills: Does your carrier have any new plans that meet your needs are are cheaper?  Do you actually use 800 minutes a month? Cable/Satellite: Which channels do you watch, how often do you watch them?  Would you really miss anything if you cut back (or off) your cable and got netflix/hulu/etc instead? Internet: Check around and see which provider has the best offers right now! Gas Money: Could you carpool (with a spouse,friend,co worker)?  Is the person driving the furthest in your house, driving the best gas mileage vehicle?  Can you plan trip and errands so you only go out once?  Mass transit continues to grow, there could be new possibilities in your area. Bartering: If there are services that you know you are going to need (child care, tree servi...

Parenting: Hands Off Hands On

The past two days we have been snowed in (well, snowed in for Tennessee) and I have been amazed: by my daughter. At six years old, Shiloh still prefers NPT (channel 8 around here) programming to the Disney Channel.  She would rather watch "The Cat in the Hat" than "Jessi".  She would rather watch "Word Girl" or "Super Why" than "Austin and Alley" or "I Didn't Do It".  If you had asked me a week ago, I would have said those programs were beneath her. That she was too old for such programming.  Hmmmm, maybe not.  Maybe, I'm the one pushing her to grow up. What is more, she actually prefers to NOT watch TV.   What? She would much rather be working a puzzle, drawing, baking or playing make believe.  Electronics really are a last resort for her.  Hmmmmmm. These past two days are really making me re-evaluate my parenting with her.  Obviously she is not a mini-ME.  She does not have the same passion for movies an...

A Season of Change

Follow my blog with Bloglovin So if you remember, last month I wrote about my  child care  issues, and well how I have none.  I should say, had none.  Shortly after that post, I accepted a position (an assistant) at a local school here in Portland.  I spent 2 weeks working crazy overtime at my previous employer to get things in order for my responsibilities to be transitioned to someone new, and then I've spent the last two weeks getting acclimated to my new schedule.  As of Friday afternoon, my hours changed (for the better!). With this new job, I'll have more time to devote to my family, my church, my photography, BLOGGING, and other hobbies.  So I've been giving more and more thoughts to what I want this blog to be, and I need your input.  As much as this blog is a form of therapy and record for me, I want it to be something of substance, something that people want.  With this new job, I've taken a substantial pay cut, so I'll definitel...

6 Ways to Love on.....Everyone. And a rebuttal.

I don't normally post religious things.  I find my own personal take on religion to be.....quirky at time.  However, I recently saw an article floating around the web that was written by what I assume is a 20 something single lady.  It was how she felt single women need to be loved on by married persons in a church congregation.  You can read it here . I found parts of the article to be sound theory and spot on, while other parts were, shall we say misguided.  By the end of the article, I was also thinking, why are there so many separate "groups" in a church and how we all need to be loved on, not just one group.  So here is my humble rebuttal (based on my life and experiences) and also a simple blue print on how you can love on anyone in your church congregation....or anyone in the world. In response to “Six ways to Love Single Women:"               1.   Words are hurtful.  People should choose th...

Frugal Friday - Winter Fun- 20 Activities

We've had a lot of  "snow"days since Christmas.  A. LOT.  Snow days are one thing when there is actually snow on the ground and the kids want to go out and play. But it's something completely different when it's just cold.  Possibly raining.  And the kids are bored and stir crazy. Plus you still have weekends/holidays/afternoons to keep your kids buys inside as well. And you have little or no money. What to do. What to do. Here are 20 things we have done/plan to do this winter: 1. Have an indoor picnic. Simply eating on the floor can completely change a meal. 2. Build a tent/fort indoors. 3. Go to your mall's indoor play area 4. Go to story time at the library 5. Introduce your kids to the cartoons you watched growing up via Youtube. My kids love "Bobby's World"and "Muppet Babies" 6. Do something touristy in your own town.  Tour a museum or historic building. Many of these are free/low cost. Sometimes eve...

Chicken Nachos

Cooking is not one of my favorite things.  I would really rather not.  If I didn't have kids to feed, I probably wouldn't cook at all. However, I do like being creative.  If I am going to be in the kitchen, I would much rather be throwing random ingredients together than following a recipe. Sometimes my new recipes are hits.  Sometimes they are epic fails.  Last night I got lucky! Here is the recipe for my Chicken Nachos (feeds 4): Ingredients: 2 Chicken breast, 16oz Chunky Salsa, Mexican Blend Cheese, Paprika, Chili Powder, Salt, Pepper 1.) Pre Heat over to 400 degrees 2.) Season chicken with salt, pepper, paprika and chili powder 3.)Bake chicken uncovered in glass casserole dish for 25 minutes 4.) Shred chicken and place in bowl 5.) Pour Salsa and 1/2 bag of cheese over chicken. Mix Well 6.)Pour chicken/salsa/cheese mixture into casserole dish. Spread evenly 7.) Top with rest of the cheese 8.)Bake for another 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Serve...

Frugal Friday-Fast Food

Our Friday night's are very busy, so we've decided to stop cooking on Friday nights and eat out.  However, we still need to do so on a budget.  I've worked $20 into our weekly budget for Friday nights.  If you have eaten out lately, you know feeding a family of 4 on $20 isn't always easy, especially when you don't want to eat the same thing every week.  Below are some of our favorite places to eat and an idea of how we make it work. Note: Most of the time, we get the food and bring it home. This way we can use the drinks we already have at home! Little Ceasars: $5 pizza's.  Need I say more Papa John's: They regularly run deals with $11 large pizzas.  If you sign up for the rewards program and order online, you'll end up eventually earning a free pizza.  Watch out for codes to get more points.  I've earned and redeemed SEVERAL free pizzas! McDonalds: They recently re-did the value menu and our regular orders are no longer just a $1.  H...

Sight Words

My daughter has always loved reading and I've always encouraged it.  We have always read books, and now that she is in Kindergarten, we have stepped it up a notch.  We have set a goal of her knowing 200 sight words before 1st grade. This is the list we came up with. We currently know 91!  We started with 15 words and I made flash cards.  Once my daughter can go through the sight word flash card in 2 seconds per card, we add 15 more words. (We are at 91, because mommy's math got off at some point!).  My daughter loves trying to beat the timer so this has become a game for her.  We also use the flash cards to practice alphabetizing.  We count the cards to work on numbers.  We've also put them in piles by the starting letter and made graphs!  Who ever said flash cards aren't "fun" is WRONG! We have a blast.

Why I yell at my kids, and don't plan to apologize

First let me start by saying, I understand that ÿelling" isn't the most preferable way to speak to my children, or anyone for that matter.  But, occasionally, I find it necessary.  And I don't plan to apologize. Why do I yell?  Most often, because I've tried the speak clearly, calmly, sternly...and my kids are still talking over me.  Whining. Being loud.  Doing exactly what I am trying to tell them to not do. Sometimes I yell because the situation calls for it, like when my 6 year old is about to touch a hot stove, or my eleven year old is about to ride his bike into the back of my car. Occasionally, I yell because I'm at the end of my rope. And I NEED to get that point across. I can here some of you parenting experts out there listing all kinds of other options.  Get their attention, get on their eye level, speak calmly but sternly.  Give them natural consequences.  Divert their attention. I do these, I really do.  I am the QUEEN of ...

Frugal Friday - Consignment Sale Time

I realize that is was below 0 degrees last week. I fully realize that Spring does not öfficially" begin til late March. That has absolutely no bearing on when Spring consignment season begins. Spring consignment season begins February 1! Even though it will still be too cold to wear those shorts, flip flops and sun dresses for several more months here in Tennessee, now is the time to take them out of storage and assess.  What still fits (you, the kids, the hubs), what is still your style, and what do you need. If you plan on selling these items, you need to start collecting wire hangers, safety pins and index cards.  If you plan on printing your tags (and some larger sales REQUIRE this!), you will need to buy card stock. Please check the individual requirements for the sale you will be consigning with, but here is a basic step by step process: Week 1: Gather supplies and all the items you would like to sell (Spring/Summer clothes in good condition, toys that aren...

Child Care Hours Around Here Suck

Over the Christmas break, my baby sitter quit.  I spent the next 2 weeks searching for child care and discovered something. I live in a child care desert. DESERT! There is not one child care facility in my school zone. Not one. My daughters school does offer after school care until 5:30 PM and that is where I currently I have her registered.  They do not offer before care. However, I am used to having child care 6AM to 6 PM. I live 45 miles from where I work.  By the time I drive (with traffic), park and get into work, it takes about an hour and half. So I work for 8 hours, with a 30 minute lunch:  8.5 Normal traffic to work each morning:                1.5 Normal traffic from work each morning:             1.5 Total time I HAVE to be away from home:       11.5 hours. See why I NEED 12 complete hours of child care. The normal traffic does not allow for wrecks or incr...

Frugal Friday- Making extra money

It's nice to save money, but it is even better to MAKE a little extra money, and now is the perfect time! With the holidays officially behind us, now is the perfect time.  We all have more....stuff now, and likely need to clean out our closets.  Maybe you got some things for Christmas that you don't necessarily want to keep, but couldn't return.  I know you were thinking Ï can re-gift this!" Why keep it around for a whole year, when you could sell it for a little extra cash now? And what about all those Spring/Summer clothes that no longer fit (the kids of course, I know NONE of us have gained any weight over the holidays). Why not get a jump on the spring cleaning and clean out the house and make some extra (vacation?) money.  Have I got you on board?  Then get to cleaning those closets out and compile all the stuff you want out of your house! But now what, where do we sell these things.  There are tons of options for selling items, and I've trie...

Almost 6

Walking across the church parking lot, I reach for my daughters hand.  "I don't need to hold your hand" says my daughter.  Absent mindedly I ask "oh, are you too big to hold my hand now?" "Well, I'm almost six. So the answer might be yes" :short pause: "But don't be mad " she finishes, "I'm almost six." And in one poetic conversation, my daughter reminds me that she is growing up AND that I can't be "mad" about it.  She is almost 6. 

How do you wear high heels, everyday?

I'm a pretty low maintenance girl.  I am happy in my flip flops, jeans and tennis shoes.  However, sometimes that girly side of me kicks in and I want to wear a cute pair of shoes.  Many times, this cute pair of shoes involve high heels. After wearing the cute shoes for a few hours, I'm left wondering ladies...HOW DO YOU WEAR HIGH HEELS ALMOST EVERY DAY? Seriously. I got a new pair of boots for Christmas with a modest heel.  They fit perfect and are super cute.  I wore them to work for the first time the other day and came home with huge blisters on the ball of my feet.  Now I don't have a job that requires a lot of standing and walking. I walk from my car to the office. From my desk to the break room or bathroom and back (2 or 3 times per day) and then back to my car at the end of the day.  And yet, by the time I was hobbling (yes it hurt so bad I was actually hobbling). Yáll is was below freezing outside and I was actually contemplating taki...