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Frugal Friday - Consignment Sale Time

I realize that is was below 0 degrees last week.

I fully realize that Spring does not öfficially" begin til late March.

That has absolutely no bearing on when Spring consignment season begins.

Spring consignment season begins February 1!

Even though it will still be too cold to wear those shorts, flip flops and sun dresses for several more months here in Tennessee, now is the time to take them out of storage and assess.  What still fits (you, the kids, the hubs), what is still your style, and what do you need.

If you plan on selling these items, you need to start collecting wire hangers, safety pins and index cards.  If you plan on printing your tags (and some larger sales REQUIRE this!), you will need to buy card stock.

Please check the individual requirements for the sale you will be consigning with, but here is a basic step by step process:

Week 1: Gather supplies and all the items you would like to sell (Spring/Summer clothes in good condition, toys that aren't stuffed animals, ANY baby items, furniture, and home decorations).  You will need a dedicated space in your house for the next several weeks (a dining room table, guest bedroom, etc). Register for the sale and confirm your drop off date/time.

Week 2: Launder and clean all the items you want to sell.  Group them by category and clothing by gender and size.

Week 3: Tag, Tag, Tag Tag.  Your fingers will hurt. Your head will hurt. It will be worth it.  When tagging children's clothes, pair desirable items (a nice pair of jeans) with less desirable items (plain t-shirt).  Yes, the jeans would have sold by them selves, but the shirt maybe not.  Pair them together and price them for the total amount you would have asked seperately.  This only works on Children's clothing under size 14.  Also, make sure to mark items you are NOT willing to accept half price on. Most sales have half priced day the last day of the sale and if your item(s) are not marked "ND", it can be sold for half of what you are asking. You can mark some of your items "ND"and allow others to be sold for half priced.

Week 4:  Drop off your items. Make sure they are sorted by your sale's guidelines.  Shop the pre-sale and invite a friend!!

Week 5 or 6: Pick up your unsold items from the sale or allow them to be donated.

Week 7 or 8: Receive your check!  I will be placing my check this year in the vacation fund!

Consignment sales are a great time to buy new and gently used clothing, shoes, furniture, toys and baby items.  Here are my best tips:

  • Take a laundry basket to carry the items you would like to purchase
  • Always look at the size you are needing as well as a size both bigger and smaller
  • Start with shoes. Then hit larger items, baby items, clothing and then everything else
  • Shop opening day and closing day. Opening day you will get the best items, Closing day you will get the best deals.
  • Take a list of things you are looking for, but be open to finding other great finds.
  • Try to leave the kids at home.  This can be a long process and can involve standing in line for a while.
  • Make a budget and stick to it.
  • Look over your items VERY well before purchasing. You cannot return the items.
  • Bring Cash. Some accept other form of payments, but cash will be better and keep you on budget.
Below is a list of my favorite sales, where I make the most and find the best items. Some of these sites have not updated for the spring sales yet, keep checking back!
Encores North in Hendersonville
Grace's Closet in White House
24 Kids  In Pleasant View

To find more sales near you, please check out Kids Consignment Sales and Consigning Time.

What are your best tips for shopping consignment sales? For selling items at the sales?


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