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How to stuff an Easter Basket for EVERY age on a Budget

Yes, it is February and I am already talking about Easter basket stuffers.  The truth is, I started stock piling for Easter the week after Christmas.

Why? Last years summer stuff is still on clearance AND there were lots of after Christmas deals on gadgets. Starting about the first week of March, all of these items will start to increase in price again.

What is my Easter budget? This year, I have budgeted $75 dollars for each of my two kids.  There have been years when money was super tight that I spent about $20 per basket.  I usually splurge on 1-2 "bigger" items and then the rest is smaller items and things I caught amazing deals on.

I also use this time to buy them some items I know they will need in the upcoming months. This also saves me money because I was going to have to buy the item anyway. (Clothes, swim items, camping essentials, toothbrushes, etc)

This week, I will give you some ideas for every age group by gender and I will follow up every week with a list of my favorite deals or what I would buy per week.

Let's get started!

Many of these items can be used on more than one age group. I just broke it up to give variety, but I usually buy everything in the age group and a few things from other groups.

Babies (0-12 months):
  • Small pack of wipes
  • Small pack of Diapers
  • Rattle
  • Socks
  • Headbands/Bows
  • Hats
  • New Sippy Cup
  • Book (Dollar Tree has many baby books for $1)
  • Baby food/Snacks
  • Stuffed Animal (Also, something you can get for $1 at the Dollar tree)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
  • Crayons
  • Magnetic Play for the refrigerator (Dollar General usually has different magnetic play sets for under $2 each)
  • Movie size box of favorite candy
  • Matchbox cars/Jewelry Play Set
  • Seeds to plant
  • Large Coloring book like this one
  • Character tooth brush
  • Doll or Action Figure (once again..Dollar Tree!)
  • Underwear
  • DVD from the under $5 movies at Walmart
Little Kids (4-7 years)
  • Kite
  • Bubbles
  • Dress up items\Pretend Play
  • Floaties for the pool
  • Game (Walmart has a variety of $5 games for this age group)
  • A whole box of their favorite snack (multiple single servings)
  • Small Lego set
  • Flip Flops (Walmart or Dollar Tree)
  • Ball
  • Character Toiletry set (You should buy these the few days after Christmas when they are 1/2 off at Walmart)
Big Kids (8-10 years)
  • Swim Goggles
  • Body Spray
  • Water Gun
  • Puzzle
  • Online game gift card (itunes/google play/robucks/etc)
  • Magazine
  • Craft Kit/Slime Kit
  • A bag of their favorite treat
  • Something Sports Related
  • Wallet
Tweens (11-13)
  • Pocket Knife (Amazon has this one for $5)
  • Cosmetics (Stock up on lip gloss, nail polish and eye shadow at Dollar Tree)
  • Hair Chalk
  • $5 Gift card to a favorite fast food restaurant
  • Travel Size toiletries
  • Light Up Message Board (Walgreens and Dollar General have them for $5)
  • Tumbler Cup (Dollar General has ones with sayings for $5)
  • Baseball Cap
  • New Charge Cords for electronics (Discount stores have the colored braided one for under $5. Dollar Tree will also have basic cords for a $1)
  • A good chocolate bar (Godiva) or exotic meat beef jerky stick (both can be found for about $3)
Teens (14-17)
  • Money. Break $5-$10 up into ones and change and place in several different eggs.
  • Face Mask
  • Key Lanyard
  • A 12 pack of their favorite drink (colas, coffees, etc) just for them
  • Cell Phone accessories (pop socket, selfie stick. stand, etc can all be found for $1-$5 at Dollar tree or Dollar General)
  • Sunglasses
  • Car Care stuff (air freshener, sun shade, wax can all be bought for under $5 each at Dollar General)
  • School Spirit wear (my local Walmart, Walgreens and Dollar General sell a variety of items from hats and shirts to coozies etc for under $10. You can also get squeeze bottles and lanyards for $3 and under)
  • Coupon for a 1 hour extended curfew on a non school night 1 time. (FREE!)
  • Breath Mints/Gum
Adults (18+ years)
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Mini bottles of liquor (if over 21)
  • Pens
  • Coffee
  • Fuzzy Socks
  • $1 Hardware gadgets at Dollar Tree
  • Favorite Easter candy from childhood
  • Travel coffee mug (Dollar General has cute ones for $3-$5)
  • Toy (My favorites are mini nerf guns and basketball hoops from Dollar tree)
  • Bath or Shower Items (bath bombs, shower gel, etc)

This is my go to starter list. I also watch for sales on clothing, bathing suits, electronics and the hot toys.

Every Friday between now and Easter, I will have items to buy this week in my Frugal Friday posts.

Happy Shopping!


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