I have been a bad bad blogger. I haven't written in well over a week now and therefor do not know which cute story to share.
I could share Zachary's wisdom of the difference between a girlfriend and a girl friend....
Or his wisdom of "thin as a peice of glass"...
Or how proud he was after he changed his first tire.
I could share the story as I sat nervously watching Shiloh suck on her first peice of hard candy....
Or how cute it was when I asked her to pick out a toy to take and she instead started puting all of her toys back in the toy box.
I could share stories of how to heal a doll from my three year old neice...
Or the fact that she would rather dance with someone watching.
There have been so many good times these past couple of weeks, looking back I realize how blessed I have been. I think sometimes we focus on the negative, on everything that goes wrong in life...and we try to learn from it. This week I am choosing to do the opposit. I am focusing on the good timesk, and picking my lessons from those times of laughter. So this is what I have learned from the kids in my life this week:
-Dont read too much into what someone says, there could be another meaning.
-Perspective and Experience changes everything.
-The hard work is worth a worthwhile accomplishment.
-You will never know if you can unless you try.
-Risks are worth taking.
-Picking up isn't all that bad, and sometimes even better than the alternative.
-What matters most, is what you beleive.
-Why would you dance when no one is watching...its much more fun to be silly with someone.
I am going to be all smiles today. =)
Great post! This made me really happy. I think I'll focus on the positive today, too. :)