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Is it the right time?

The first picture, lot 23, is our current house. Second picture parcel 7.17 is what we are considering.

Sometimes things unexpectedly land in your lap! Recently an very nice couple that has been a long time family friend offered me their house at a discounted price, if no realtors are involved. I have explained that we have a house currently that would HAVE to be sold, before we could even think about being in a posistion to buy their house. They said they would hold on the their house for now and give us a chance to sell ours.

Anytime anyone offers you a house a good 25 thousand below appraisal, it deserves some serious consideration. We were not currently looking to sell our house, though we have talked about moving in the future to be closer to Zachary. We just both thought we needed to get in a better financial situation and our house could use a little work before its "market" worthy.

Whenever I am faced with a major decision, I find myself mentally making Pros/Cons lists, just like my dad taught me the first time I was considering spending my allowance I had saved for oh so long.

Pros: we would be considerably closer to Zachary; bigger yard; the hubby would be closer to his friends and family, making him much happier; we would already have equity in the house.

Cons: Shiloh would have to change daycares and I dearly love her daycare, so does she; the montly payment would be more, not helping the financial posistion; the stress of having to sell our house and knock out a couple of other bills so we can afford this purchase.

If this were just a house we had found on the internet, I don't even know if I would seriously consider it. I would fall back on the "this just doesn't seem like the right time" excuse and tell myself houses like this would still be there when we decided we were ready.

However, with everything going on lately, for this house to basically just fall into our laps, I wonder if this is a sign? The odds are certainly not in our favor, but everything does happen for a reason right? The stars do align just right sometimes?


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