How do I know my 20 month old is full blow terrible twos? Because I had this conversation this morning with my daughters daycare teacher:
Me: "Sorry, I didn't make it to the store last night, Shiloh wasn't having a good night."
Teacher: "Does Shiloh throw fits at home?"
Me: "Yeah, She is getting in the rest of her two year molars"
Teacher: "Well Yesterday she was playing with my name badge and I had to ask her to quit and she started screaming and then she was standing in the chair and I told her to get down and she went ballistic."
I did not really know how to respond at that point. I was secretly hoping she had not started throwing things at daycare like she did at home, when she was told "No". I was secretly hoping she was not full blown back talking with "No I do it."
I was secretly hoping that we would somehow skip the terrible two's, but my daughter and the word ballistic in the same sentence? I think the terrible two's have officially debuted.
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