Well it is definately Christmas time at our house and I have the low bank balance to prove it! I will be the first one to admit that we probably went overboard on the kids this year, spending more this year than we did last year and the year before. While it seems most people overspend due to competition (which admittedly played a small part in mine as well), I also had another driving force. THIS APPEARS TO BE THE LAST YEAR MY STEP SON WILL BELEIVE IN SANTA!!! The revelation came about slowly, when he wouldn't write Santa a letter but wrote out his Christmas list for us. He also chose to not go on the Santa excursion train ride that his grandmother offered to take him on. Finally he refused to even go see Santa at the mall. Finally, when I picked him up last Friday, he told me that Santa didn't bring him stuff, I bought it. I panicked! This was a discussion he should have with this Dad, or his Mom...not ME! I quickly told him that I only bought the stuff under the tree, and t...
Life is a journey. I want to make mine better and help others along the way. Lets have an adventure.